Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nicolosi & Fitch September Employee of the Month!

Steve Weber - Altamira Apartments  -Tucson, AZ
Steve Weber, Maintenance Supervisor at Altamira Apartments - Tucson, AZ

Steve has been at Altamira for over 10 years now as the Maintenance Supervisor. In September, we had the parking lot resurfaced and with only one way in and out of the property, it can be challenging. Steve worked with the paving company and residents to ensure that there was clear communication for everyone so this project would be smooth and successful. Throughout the process the paving company was very impressed with Steve’s ability to communicate with them and the residents and that not a single car was towed in the process. Steve was always in early and staying late to ensure that this project went off without a hitch along with keeping up with his other duties on the property. Great job Steve!